* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  



さっき書いたカフェのインターネットがうまく働かなくなってしまったので(普通は働かなくなったとは言わないよね? It's not working anymoreっていうのは普通の日本語だと何て言うんだっけ?)諦めて外に出て、歩き出してみました。

It's really humid.

家に一度戻って、意味もなく履いていたブーツをFlip flopに変えました。
Flip Flopはビーチサンダルです。ホントはFlip-flopっていうのかな? yeah like - makes such a difference. パタパタとかペタペタの擬音をFlip flopって言うんだよ。

その後ふらふら出歩いてみたら、インターネットがタダのBarを見つけました(爆笑)。Why the hell would anyone want to use internet when you are drinking?

I am the answer.
that has to be the answer.

バーテンダーのおにーさんが優しすぎてうっかり泣きそうになってしまった。He'd probably listen to my pathetic story if I started to cry. 土曜の夜なのに(現在19:29in NY)だぁれもいません(苦笑)。Oh I'm so in love with this place already. Nicy and cosy. I love cosy.

I am waiting for Mimi to finish up her f-in' job. It's such a wrong thing to do, I know. I can't be that dependent, right? I shouldn't wait for anybody. They never show up. but I know she will. Cuz she is obligated. She is my friend. That's why. That is the only reason why. I don't really know if that's supposed to make me feel better.

I always think about going to see someone like...a psychiaetrist ever since Dan suggested me go see one of those people. Am I that crazy? I mean, I don't mean to offend anyone who actually does go see them, it could be good for me too. I know that.

What's wrong with me?
Help me.


no she won't show up. i shouldn't expect anything. I shouldn'T put my hopes up. you idiot, she' not gonna fuckin show up to make you feel better?

Why would I wanna ever?

don'T mind me, i'm fucking fucked up.

i just wanna stay oblivious to everything.

every fucking thing.

I wish.

i fuckin wish.

