* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

Listening Log: Matt Smith's Final Panel - Full Q&A

Video: The Eleventh Hour Panel - Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

Listening Logの趣旨はこちら ←


04:00 - in an act of unprecedented cruelty
Unprecedented: adj.> 前代未聞の。

6:04 - There's a real comradery amongst doctors.
Comoradery: n.> 仲間意識。

07:18 - 10.2 on the overnight is preposterous!
Preposterous: adj.> 途方もない。utterly absurd or ridiculous.
Overnightは視聴率かな? 見た人間の数でしょうか? このエピソードの後の、Mattの最後のエピソードの方が結果的には観た人多かったはず。The overnightはOnか。。Inかと思ってた。

07:53 - She's got such a great energy and she's a wonderful actor. So it was great kind of for us all in between takes.
Great energyは、aが付く場合とつかない場合があるみたいなんですよねー。違いはまだいまいち分からん。後半はFor us allが聞き取れなかったので(合ってるかなぁ?)。Jennaのアクセントは私の思う、ザ・英国。Wonderul actorの言い方とか特に。

09:44 - You can see through and through with such fantastic work from them. Their commitment is there.
- But I think we must also give a round of applause to the man who did such a fabulous job. ...Sterling work.

Through and through> 完全に。最初から最後まで。頭からつま先。端から端。こっちからあっち。
Give a round of applause to 人> 誰々に拍手する。
Sterling: adj.> 最高品質の。ハイクオリティー。中身の質の話。

10:35 - I wasn't exaggerating when I said that Matt & David are sublime together.
Exaggerate: v.> 誇張する。
Sublime: adj.> 崇高な。supreme or outstanding. 
Sublimeはなんか高嶺の花的な感じなのかな? クオリティー的にSterlingに似ている感じがする。

12:45 - I love that he i getting so much credit for less than half of his face. And less than a second. Well done Capaldi.

14:00 - Here's a point of personal dweebry.
Dweeb: n.> nerd. おたく。取るに足らない小さなこと。

17:22 - I was just wondering if that was some kind of variation.
Variation: n.> バリエーション。別パターン。他バージョン。

17:40 - You were sitting still! How can you drop somthing upwards when you are sitting still?
- It's been a childhood affliction, I'm afraid.
- That's how clumsy he is. He is clumsy when he is not in motion.

Affliction: n.> 病気。悩み。
Clumsy: adj.> ぎこちない。Matt。笑
Not in motion> 動いていないこと。止まっている。
何もないところで転んだりする人のことをMatt Smithと言います。違った、Clumsyと言います。
Drop something upwardsって面白いね(上に物を落とす)。

20:58 - I never thought to think how hard it was for you.
Never thought to think> 考えようとも思わなかった。

24:04 - I can now honestly say that the way Matt carried himself as the Doctor is something of which the Doctor whould be immensely proud.
Immensely: adj.> とてもとても。
Moffは関係代名詞の前に前置詞(だっけ?)がついているしゃべり方をよくします(of which)。これってイギリス風なのかな? 私は前置詞が最後に残るしゃべり方になれているけど、あまり学術的ではないらしいので書くときは前にもってきています。

24:22 - I love panels. You can talk about yourself for like an hour. It's like open group therapy.

27:00 - Go on and snowball and get bigger.
Snowball: v.> 雪だるま式に大きくなっていく。

27:23 - You will never get tired of seeing somebody enter the TARDIS for the first time.

28:05 - History books tell us who we used to be. Documentaries tell us who we are now. But heroes tell us who we want to be. ...When they made this particular hero, they didn't give him a gun; they gave him a screwdriver to fix things. They didn't give him a tanker or a warship or a X-wing fighter; they gave him a call box from which you can call for help. They didn't give him a superpower or pointy ears or a heat ray; they gave him an extra heart. They gave him two hearts. And that's an extraordinary thing. There will never come a time when we don't need a hero like the Doctor.


