* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

Andy loses in final & Anime convention this year

Q. Did you actually enjoy the match today or do you think you might look back and enjoy it?
ANDY RODDICK: I have fun out there. When I'm competing and I feel like I'm playing well, tennis is always fun for me. It's when I'm kind of here and there and I'm not doing the things that I want to do and I'm nervous about something, tight, that's when tennis isn't fun. But I was out there, I was competing, I was playing, I was giving it my all. That's a good day for me. I mean, you have to put it in perspective, as well. I lose this tennis match, I go on, I still live an amazing life and I have a great time. I can't sit around and pout about too much. But am I angry that I lost? Yes. Do I want to win? I would give anything to win this tournament. You know, that's the tough part of it.