* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  


SN: 5x06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future

*Supernatural Season 5 (日本ではまだ未公開)の Reviewです。**ネタバレあります。**避けてらっしゃる方は以下ご注意。*久しぶりに出だしがCreepyで楽しかったです。s3以前はMotW(Monster of the Week:ひとつのHuntで一話が完結するエピ)のエピソードの…

Endline Isn't. The Bottom Line. Is.

Friday.Making friends going somehow horribly wrong.Learning a whole new level of definition in friends.: wet, salty, and kind of a finality.Taking you far. too far. too far. too far.Saturday.Working the late shift.Working later in the even…