* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

Endline Isn't. The Bottom Line. Is.

Making friends going somehow horribly wrong.
Learning a whole new level of definition in friends.
: wet, salty, and kind of a finality.

Taking you far. too far. too far. too far.

Working the late shift.
Working later in the evening just to make myself feel better.
I try.

I didn't try the night before, so I try.
I try to fight this time.

But what matters now?
The punishment's already been done.

Hanging out with people that I think I know.
I gotta believe that I do.
Alone I can deal with, friendless I can't handle.

I'm safe here.

And night comes and we leave each other like people always do.
We all have different homes.
And we must be so alone on the way to get there.

Sleeping in and reading in bed.
Not eating at all because I just have to test something.

That I could make choices.
Not to let go of everthing that I have under my control.

Almost blacking out and starting over.
Over again, so I eat.
Then go out and laugh at nothing and living.

Go to work on Wednesday, and I am no better than yesterday, no less than tomorrow, I just am still here.
Ain't that good enough?