* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

Quick Update

well, so i was so into this online novel yesterday and i was up till...what like 4 in the morning?(call me stupid.) i didn't even finish it though. i feel like an idiot. this is kinda all because i didn't have anything that i have to do(yet i always, always have something that i should do). you know you could take a break sometimes right? yeah, i know i feel like im doin it too often.

big news of today.
>i saw tyler on campus~~~~~~~ oh god he was so fine!!! he didn't look that tall at first when we passed by, but then i looked him back(oh yes i did), he was taller than anybody else walking by 2 heads or something. that was kinda but he was so fine...i can't say that enough. but i have to say he was way hotter when he's playing v-ball. but the thing about this tyler is that he IS going to the same school with me so i can't really have a huge...imaginary romance, i would put it, with him in my head cuz, you know, it is possible that i would become friends with him for real although i couldn't say that is very likely. but no, seriously, cuz my roommate was in the same class with him last semeseter so it still is possible(i still can have a dream:D). so i'm trying really hard not to be all dreamy especially becasue i've never had this huge crush on a guy who i could actually possibly talk to, you know? like, andy, yeah, i'm not that stupid and i know i wouldn't be dating him even if the hell froze. but tyler, it still is unlikely, but this hell looks less freezable.
>OTH!!! ok, nathan, he is getting hotter every time i see him!! whats up james(the actor's name)?! his eyes today, they looked bluer than usual...umm, this is y i love hazel eyes...they are so cute...well, anyways, nathan can't kiss tyler(what a coincidence), and haley has to stop being such a stupid girl. so for people using cinguler, please vote for no?