* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

oh by the way

yesterday was our one month aniv. come to think of it, when larry and i had a month aniv, he wasnt even in ca, so technically this was like the first time ever. lol. we didnt do anything special, cuz you know, a month? its not that long to begin with and i dont want all the weird pressure on how long we have been dating and we will be dating and stuff. it feels strange tho to be honest that i have known him only for like a couple of months and how much we have talked and how much i can let him say that he knows me at least to the extent nobody else does. its very comforting to have somebody like that rite next to you.

ok, so anyways, dan and i played tennis this morning and went to lunch together, i went to class, headed to work, and about to get off at 5. but i will be having a meeting for ISA(international student association). when i get back, i probably go to dinner and then talk to kelly and figure out which date we will be taking off to japan this winter break. this is really exciting for me to take my friend to japan for the first time. she also is excited to expecially because this will be the first time for the leave the country. anyways, long day today....