* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  


Hey all!!
何よりもまずUS Openのことだけどごめん。今までのどのUS Openよりも準備万端だったんだ。でもそれが試合の結果に残念だけど結びつかなかった。正直に言うしかないけど今回の敗戦は今までのどんな負けよりもかなりキた。自分は結構負け試合を吹っ切るのは上手いほうだと思うんだ。大抵は次の日にすでにポジティブに考えられるもんだから。でも今回はちょっと時間がかかった。もうとにかく何もしないで過ごしたかった。アメリカでどれだけ今回の敗戦が騒がれてたかって事を考えると、ただそれだけのこともなかなか難しいことでさ。時間を作って一緒に遊んでくれた友達には感謝してる。



適当につらつら書いてきたけど、良いこと書いて終わろうと思う。ロビージネプリとジェイムズブレイクの活躍には、こっちが本当に嬉しくなってしまった。二人とはずっと前から友達なんだけど、今年の夏はみんな成績が出せなくて結構たたかれたりしていた。みんな僕だけがアンドレに続くアメリカ人でほかの選手はスラムで結果なんか出せないとか何とかかんとか・・・でも今回の全米でそんなことをいってた人たちも静かになるだろう。今からもう来年みんなでそろって怪我もなく調子も最高でプレイできるのが待ちきれないよ。これを読んでるみんなが僕と同じくらい運に恵まれていて、昨日のアガシ vs ブレイクを見れていたらいいと本気で思う。もう二人ともすごくってまじでありえないテニスだった! どっちの応援をしようかこんなに迷ったことは今までになかったからなんとも大変だったけど、ホントにあんなテニスを見せてもらえて光栄だと思った。去年がジェイムズ(ブレイク)にとってどんな一年かだったかを考えると、今回の彼の成績は僕にとってもすごく嬉しい。彼が立ち向かわなければならなかったことを乗り越えて、その上以前よりも良い成績を残すなんて、彼がどんな人間であるかを本当に証明するものだと思う。

i love u guys and 感謝してもしたりないくらいだ。


Message From Andy
By Andy Roddick
Hey all!! first and foremost i wanna apologize for my us open. i was more prepared for that tournament than i have ever felt before. unfortunately, that did not translate. i am not going to lie. this loss cut deeper than any one i have ever had. i am normally pretty good about bouncing right back, and having a good outlook on things starting the next day. this one took a little while though. i had to remove myself from everything. it was tough to get away from it, considering it was a pretty hot topic of conversation around the country. i am lucky enough to have great friends who really took time out to hang out.

I am ready now though. i am ready to put all of this behind me, and start my preparation for trying to get back to number one next year. as weird as it sounds, losses almost motivate more than success. i cannot wait to play davis cup in a couple of weeks, and am looking forward to a strong fall season.

Even though my loss was upsetting personally, there has been a tragedy in the world in the form of hurricane katrina. i think we all need to realize how lucky we are to be healthy. i truly feel blessed. it makes our day to day problems seem rightfully petty. i also love how our country reacts to adversity, and we all truly become one to help in the fight. i ask that each of u take a second and just realize how lucky we all are.

I am going to end this ramble on a positive note. i cannot express how excited i am for robby ginepri and james blake. they have been friends of mine for a long time, and the whole group was catching flak earlier in the summer for not producing results. people were saying that i was the only American, save andre, capable of making a real run in a slam..... they quieted a lot of doubters, and i can't wait til next year when we are all healthy and playing well. i hope everyone reading this was as lucky as me and got the chance to watch the agassi/blake match last night. it was unreal tennis played by the two best sportsmen in the game. i have never been so conflicted watching a match, but it was an absolute privilege to watch. i am so happy for james to be doing well after the year he had last year. to come back from what he went through even better than before is a real testament to his character.

Lastly, i want to thank all of u for your support. i love u guys and cannot thank u enough
