* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

what are you stupid?

man, im working on my paper for tomorrow at 1 in the morning right now hearing somebody's fuckin puking outside at the stairs. huh. very nice. well done. fuck. why the hell do you have to get all drunk on tuesday night and puke all over the fucking stairs? its just disgusting! at least get your ass over to your room and puke in the bathroom! shit!

one thing that i didnt realize was that theres whole bunch of shit that i have to take care of this week. im not gonna even start saying that i should have done this during spring break because i know i wouldnt have done that anyways, but how the hell did i put myself in this position? grrr.

i really hate this rec class that im taking this semester. come to think of it, ive never really liked any of my rec classes. yet thats one of the biggest consentration of my major. how funny. im so screwed. stupid sponsorship letter thing, having to go visit whole bunch of places asking for donation or gift or whatever the hell they would give us, i dont give a shit! ...oh shit i forgot to tell my teacher that i wont be able to make it to class on the 1st... dammit.

oh my. school. work. homework. bullshit. all piled up and kicking my ass.