* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

Jared & Jensen: Naturally Super




曰く"I will never take this off!"


Jensen: And they were pleased with it and went home that evening and got a phone call, ‘well, there's this guy Jared Pada… Padasomething and they really are liking him for one of the brothers.’ So of course, I look him up online.
Jared: He thought I was hot.
Jensen: This guy is... smokin' hot. I cannot play his brother.
[Paley Festival: Mar.4.06]
Jensen: で、プロデューサーもエグセキュティブレベルの人も、演技には満足してくれて、それで家に帰ったんだ。そしたらその夜電話がかかってきて、「それがさ、Jared Pada… パダなんとか(Jaredの苗字はかなり珍しい)っていうのがいるらしくて、でどうもそいつがけっこう有力なんだよね」。だから一体誰なのかネットで調べてやったんだ。
Jared: それでJensenは僕のことかっこいいと思ったんだよ。
Jensen: (その当時を再現して)「この男・・・格好良すぎる。おれこいつの兄貴なんか出来ないよ」


John Shiban: And the second thing, honestly, is casting and chemistry. And chemistry is something you cannot manufacture. These guys have it and they are so great to write for...
*Jared looks at Jensen and leans in to kiss him*
*Jensen points to the audience which went wild*
Jared: Worth a try, worth a try.
[Paley Festival: Mar.4.06]
John Shiban(ライタープロデューサー):それからやっぱりキャスティングと二人のケミストリーに助けられたというのは本当にあるよね。ケミストリーって、創り出そうと思って創れるものじゃなくて。それがこの二人にはあるし、書いていてとても楽しくて・・・
Jared: やってみなきゃ分からないからね(ひょっとしたらJensenがキスに応じてくれたかも、という意)


-The most famous celebrity you have made out with?
Jared: That has to be Jensen.
Jensen: You wish.
[Norwegian Mag TOPP: May.06]
-いままでにMake out(舌のアクションつきの情熱的なキス)したセレブで一番有名なのは?
Jared: そりゃJensenだね。
Jensen: だったらよかったな。


Jensen: We're late because he [indicates Jared] partied hard last night and apparently fell asleep in the shower.
Jared: I couldn't attend an interview without having a shower.
Jensen: Sure... but you are always in there for hours. What do you do in there?
Jared: There's a lot of me to wash, okay?
[SFX Mag: Oct.06]
Jensen: 遅れたのはこいつのせいで(といってJaredを指差す)、昨日の夜パーティーではしゃぎすぎて、シャワーの中で寝ちゃったもんだから。
Jared: シャワーも浴びないでインタビューは受けられないじゃないか。
Jensen: だけどいつも、ものすごい時間かかるよな。シャワーの中でなにやってんの?
Jared: しょうがないじゃん、洗う場所がいっぱいあるんだよ。


Jared: To me, I'm dealing with it day in and day out. I'm like, ‘oh, yea. Jensen was grabbing my butt in that picture.’ *to Jensen* I'm sorry to sell you out. (laughter) That was hypothetical.
[Winter Press Tour Info. On the CW: Jan.19.07]
Jared: 僕にとっては毎日やってることだから、別に見ていても「あ、そうだ、このショットで、Jensenが僕のケツを触った」とか・・・(Jensenに向かって)あ、ゴメン、言っちゃった(笑)。いやいや、例えばの話だよ。


We hear about how they use their ride to work to wake up and run lines. Jensen says, ‘It's our little private time… we enjoy ourselves and relax…’
Jared: He'll give massages a lot of the time when I get tense.
Jensen: He gets tense a lot.
[Verizon Interview: May.08.07]
Jared: 僕がピリピリしだすと、Jensenがよくマッサージしてくれるよ。
Jensen: Jaredはちょっとのことですぐピリピリするから。


Kristin Vietch from the E! Channel described Jensen once as “PAINFULLY, PAINFULLY shy… possibly the shyest celebrity [she's] ever met.”
[LJ Post: Feb.07]
Jensen: Yes, I'm very shy, but I do my best to work around it. I know it may seem strange for an actor, but acting is a good way of overcoming this trait. It gives me the opportunity to open up more to others. Also, Jared helps me with this. He has a lot on his plate, poor thing.
[Series - French Mag: Aug.07.08]
E!チャンネルのKristin VietchがかつてJensenのことを「痛々しいまでにシャイ(恥ずかしがり、内気、人見知り)。おそらく彼女があったセレブの中でもいちばんシャイ」と表現。
Jensen: そうだね、かなりシャイだけど、あんまり引きこもらないようにできるだけのことはしてるよ。役者がシャイっていうのはちょっと変かもしれないけど、お芝居はそれを克服するのにいい方法だと思うんだ。演じることで他の人とコミュニケーションをとることが出来るし。それにJaredも助けてくれるし。あの子は気を使うことがたくさんあって大変だよ、かわいそうに。


Jensen: ...[Jared] got himself so upset, and I hadn't seen him get that upset about something, and he was kind of in the corner, just kind of like rocking while they were setting up the light. And I always know to like, you know, leave him alone, and he does the same with me…’
When Jensen asked him what he was thinking about to get himself worked up, Jared said that he was thinking about if someone told him they had to put down his dogs. And he told him that right before he had to his coverage. So he was thinking about that, and looking at Jared's face – and that's why he got upset too. And they saw the episode, Jared turned to him and said, ‘Thanks for stealing my scene asshole.’
[Coffee with Jensen at Asylum: 2007]
Jensen: Jaredが僕がいままで見たことがないくらいものすごく感情的になって、でクルーが照明とかをセットしている間、隅っこのほうでずっと前後ろ、前後ろって揺れてるんだ。それで、Jaredも僕に対してそうしてくれるんだけど、そういう時はやっぱり一人にしておくものだから、そっとしておいたんだけど。


<感情的なシーンでは心理的にそのレベルに行って帰ってくるのが難しいJensen。2x04 Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Thingsの最後のシーン>
When they yelled cut, he just took off down the road by himself. Jared had gone after him and put his arms around him until Jensen had stopped shaking and crying, then he simply said:
Jared: Great scene man.
[Coffee with Jensen at Asylum: 2007]
カット! と声がかかって、そのまま立ち上がって一人で道を歩き出したJensen。Jaredがそのあとを追っていって、Jensenを捕まえると腕の中に抱きしめて、震えと涙が治まったころに一言、


Jared: it was good, we went to Gino's? It was really good.
Jensen: And we wrote our names on the wall.
Jared: I wrote ‘I love Jensen.’
Jensen: I wrote ‘I love Jensen.’
[Chicago Con 2007]
Jared: おいしかったよね、Gino’sだったっけ? すごくうまかった。
Jensen: それで(記念に)壁に自分たちの名前を書いたんた。
Jared: ぼくは「Jensenをあいしてる」って書いた。
Jensen: おれも「Jensenをあいしてる」って書いた。


Jared on Jensen's reaction when he split his pants: You know what my favorite part of that is? When Jensen laughs. He’s got the best laugh there.
[Chicago Con 2007]
Jared:あれで僕がいちばんすきなの何だか知ってる? Jensenが笑ってるとき。あのときのJensenの笑い声は最高。





*All the pix above are NOT mine. Credits to wherever they should be given to.*