* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

starting over here ...probably.

so, so many things happened in last couple of weeks. i moved back to the dorm, started my new semester, celebrated my man's b-day, and such. dan and i have been doing good, we went through some anxiety moments of each together, it feels good actually. ive got someone, and i can be someone for him. i found my diary from 2 years ago today, kinda read through. its very depressing and at the same time it is amazing how i could have been so vulnerable and wouldnt have let larry know.

im thinking about switching my diary back to on this blog, simply because i can write as much as i want to here and as many times as i want to a day. on the diary website that im using rite now is not a good way for me to put some thoughts during the daytime when it comes to me. on top of that, this way i can post something from my work when im bored in english especially because i dont really have time to write my diary at nite cuz i will be on the phone with dan, it will be nice to be able to do that whenever i have time.