* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

Scottからの手紙 (2014)

PentatonixのThat's Christmas to Meが、プラチナ認定されました。

Scottからのメッセージ ← 




ごめん、今からちょっとものすごくクサくなるけど付き合ってくれる? ツイートや短いFB投稿とか、インスタでは今のこの気持ちはちゃんと表せないから、みんなに言葉で伝えるね。




クサい話を聞いてくれてありがとう :')

Love you!


Ok I’m about to get really really cheesy for a second, but bear with me. Tweets/fb posts/instagrams can’t really portray how I’m feeling right now so I wanted to write a little note to you guys.

So our entire life we've had really big ridiculous dreams and aspirations. Dreams of being a professional musicians. Dreams to maybe one day be nominated for a Grammy. Dreams to maybe one day have a platinum album. Dreams to one day have a loving, caring, supportive fan base who we can truly connect to. To think that all of these things are coming true is truly one of the greatest things that has ever happened to us. Seriously feels surreal.
All 5 of us KNEW that what we had as a group felt special and we KNEW that it could defy all odds, and we can’t thank y’all enough for really getting behind us and supporting us through this journey. We’ve been told countless times in the past 3 years that we aren’t good enough. We’ve been told there is not a place for our sound in this industry. We’ve been told by a label “we don’t have the time and money to have ‘faith’ in something just because you guys believe in it”. What I love about our whole team and you guys is that we’ve ONLY focused on the positive, moving forward, and doing what we do best. I’ve learned over the past three years that there are ALWAYS two ways to look at something, and although it may be extremely difficult and unnatural at times, the positive way is the only way things will move forward.

So I’m writing this to sincerely thank YOU guys. Your support, love, energy, and positivity has been our light these past three years, and has given us the faith and strength to work harder and harder towards our goals. Seeing y’all create groups, art, pursue your dreams, become friends, etc. has INSPIRED us more than y’all can know.
Thanks again guys for letting me be sappy for a sec :’)
Excited for 2015 to continue this journey!

Love you!

