* ONE LOVE + ONE LIFE + ONE VOICE *        笑っていれば、イイコトあるよ  

grrrrh! @ work

man! officially, i do not like that teacher!
ok, she couldn't finish what she wanted to cover in the class on Monday, so she gave us a homework to write a sponsorship letter, due on Friday. Which was already weird cuz we don't have class on Fridays. on Wednesday, she didn't mention it at all, but on the night of Wed, she posted us a note of schedule for the week, and on it, it clearly stated "Sponsorship letter due Mar.5" which was to be on Monday. Well, i thought that she finally came to her senses and let us bring the homework to the class when we actually have the class. Great.

But now, she posted another note which says "Sponsorship letter due TODAY"


dute, i won't be getting off of work until 5. and i have a meeting to go to after that. you know she just needs to make her mind up and stick to it till the end. don't mess with our fricking busy schdule alright?!

i hate my life...